Chairman – Alan Munson They call the Annual General Meeting each year and act as the Master of Ceremonies at competitions and events. They represent the club externally and help the committee in the process of moving new ideas forward and keeping tabs on others duties. Our Chairman is also a coach and has other coaching duties as well. |
Secretary – Seirian Southgate
The secretary’s role is to maintain club member’s records and to act as the main focal point when dealing with Archery GB. They maintain records for CRB checks and take the minutes at both AGMs and committee meetings. He is key to the protection of the members making sure the records are up to date and that the correct legislation is in place. Our secretary is also our welfare officer, a role which runs along side and is fully independent of the committee. |
Equipment Officer – Mike Gissing
As the title suggests the Equipment Officer looks after all the equipment in the club. They will investigate repairs and replacements. They make sure you have targets to shoot at and make sure the bosses are in good shooting condition. They maintain a register of every piece of equipment we have and are responsible for the outdoor field markings. This person is extremely key to you the members as they make sure you can shoot each week. Please support him in his role and report equipment problems. |
Club Magazine - Jim Higgins
Our resident journalist is always on the hunt for a good story. The magazine is published monthly and contains information on all aspects of the clubs people, activities or archery in general. If you have an article to publish, please see Jim or contact him at: |
Welfare Officer - Seirian Southgate
Blue Arrows archery and Archery GB are committed to providing an environment that is safe, welcoming and friendly for children, teenagers and all adults to enjoy the sport of target archery. A welcoming environment is one where children are asked for, and are able to offer their views and opinions and feel confident and safe in doing so, where children feel able to share concerns, and where everyone feels able to challenge poor practice or behavior. The Club Welfare Officer is vital to this and is a key member of the club. The Welfare Officer role is independent of the committee and works on behalf of all members. Our Club Welfare Officer is Seirian Southgate. She is responsible for dealing with any child or adult related issue where a situation concerning the welfare of a child has been raised either by the child or by another club member. Should you have any concerns that you feel the welfare office can assist you with then contact her at |