Ready to Join the Blue Arrows?

If you would like to join Blue Arrows Archery Club you are very welcome to come along and see us on any Thursday club night, the club Calendar has the competitions listed so best avoid these if you can or come on the understanding that we may not be able to give you much time if we’re in the middle of the scoring shoot.

Please don’t just show up with a bow, we want you to have the best experience so this checklist will help both us and you start the right way.

Before you can shoot at the Club you will need the following, if you haven’t ticked every box, you won’t be allowed to shoot!

1. Make contact

Contact us and let us know you want to join. We’ll reply, answering any questions and give you any updates on the best time to visit. We’ll also email you the bank details to help with the next steps.

2. Relevant experience

You must have completed of a beginners’ course either with us or provide evidence you have completed a comparable course or structured training at another club or organisation to ensure you are safe to shoot and develop your archery career. If your beginners course was external to Blue Arrows, we are likely to ask you to shoot for the at least the first time under observation by one of our coaching team to ensure you are safe. We may then refer you to a Blue Arrow beginners course or to local improvers courses if we don’t feel you meet the required standard.

If no experience, details of our Beginners courses can be found here.

If an experienced archer, we may ask you to shoot for the at least the first time under observation by one of our coaching team to ensure you are safe.

3. Have Archery GB membership

You must be an Archery GB member, either existing or you can join via the Blue Arrows.

If new to Archery GB or a lapsed member you must have paid all relevant fees to either Blue Arrows or Archery GB.

Archery GB affiliation fees are payable for the year 1st October to 30th September - This will soon become a rolling year.

If joining ANY time between from 1st October 2024, the full yearly fee is required as follows:

  • Senior 22 and over: £60
  • Senior age 18-21: £20
  • Disability (all ages) £20
  • Junior: (Under 18) £20

These costs can be paid to the Treasurer by bank transfer, cash or cheque before shooting on your first night at the Club.

Full details of bank account will be sent on request from: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via the contact us page.

4. Now to Join Blue Arrows

You will need to complete a membership application form.  This can be downloaded here, please bring the completed form with you on your first night

A parental agreement form needs to be completed for anyone under 18 years of age. This can be downloaded here.

5. Pay us your membership fees

Fees to join Blue Arrows including joining fees and Archery GB can be found here.  The tables help you understand how much must be payed before you shoot on your first night.

Seniors - 22 +
Catagory Joining after 1st October 2024
AcheryGB    £60
Blue Arrows Joining Fee  £20
First Months Fee £12
Total Payable on First Night   £92


Seniors - 18 to 21 or Disabled - All ages
Catagory Joining after 1st October 2024
AcheryGB    £20
Blue Arrows Joining Fee  £20
First Months Fee £12
Total Payable on First Night   £52


Juniors - Under 18
Catagory Joining after 1st October 2024 
AcheryGB    £20
Blue Arrows Joining Fee  £20
First Months Fee £6
Total Payable on First Night   £46


Each person is individually required to pay the joining fee and join Archery GB.Please contact the treasurer by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for initial fees if this membership option is required and they will provide a breakdown of the fees.

Payment to the Treasurer by cash or cheque MUST BE MADE BEFORE you start shooting on your first night at the Club, or in advance by bank transfer. Full details of bank account details will be sent on request from: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via the contact us page. It’s advisable to check the date of your first night with the treasurer. If the treasurer cannot be there on your first night, the club secretary is the next point of contact for payment followed by any other committee member.

The preferred ongoing method of payment for membership fees is standing order.

You are welcome to visit our Club but you will not be able to shoot at our club unless ALL points relevant to you are covered.

Visitors Fee

If you are an experienced archer who holds a current Archery GB membership, you can shoot as a visitor. Before you shoot the club will need to see your current Archery GB membership card and will ask you to pay a visitors fee to the treasurer or a committee member before you start shooting.  

  • Adult (18+) Archery GB Member Visitors fee is £5 per session
  • Junior (under 18) Archery GB Member Visitors fee is £2.50 per session.  You must be at least 7 years old and anyone under 13 will require parent/guardian supervision throughout.

Please contact us for more details.

Joining Checklist for my first shooting night at the club:

Have I contacted Blue Arrows to advise them I want to join and set a date?  tickbox
Do I have relevant experience to enable me to join?  tickbox
Have I downloaded and completed the membership form? tickbox
I’m under 18, has my parent/Guardian completed the parental agreement?  tickbox

I have paid or can take money to pay:

  • My ArcheryGB membership fee
  • My joining fee 
  • My first month membership fee 
I’ve contacted the Treasurer to get the bank details for ongoing payment of membership fees and have been advised who will be able to take my money on the first night. tickbox